How sad. She was the first person to respond to one of my earliest postings, so many years ago. She will be sorely missed.
Armeria have toothed leaves.
Looks like Allium senescens montanum to me.
He is at it again. Yet another book. Still got 3 or 4 more manuscripts ready to go. Blame Covid!
It sure did. Had to do a lot of editing to the manuscript as I had sent the wrong one and the editor was on holiday and back at work ( very busy)...
After much work the book is now published.
According to my second son, there is a very thriving second hand market of stair lifts.
Where we are now we would have to put a stair lift on the drive. It is long and steep.
Now you know why we gave up our lovely garden and moved here. No stairs!
And one has to wind the electric cables around your fork or the sauce runs down your chest!
Best decision marrying my wife. Probably her worst decision though. Cannot think of a worse decision that I have made among all the bad ones....
I thought I might get slated for my comment.
When cooking your home, the bricks take a long time to soften though!
Not seen them for a while, but heard them calling during the night. They will have chased the baby away by now. Next time we hear them a lot is...
Tried Stokesia a few times and it has never survived here. In our last place, Knautia was an absolute seed thug, but here again it does not grow....
I like the one which finishes up by saying "Keep away from children." Could not agree more. Also liked the story of the chap who went into a...
Did a really stupid thing with the next book, I sent the editor the wrong text file. Spent all day today going through what he has edited and...
Wow! Stay safe.
Very lucky. It only lasted a couple of minutes. Feel really sad for Canada though with the wild fires there. Could have been born in Canada if my...
We have had some really pink sunsets because of the fires in Canada. Such a terrible tragedy too. Not only pink skies, but pink rainbows too....
Separate names with a comma.