I agree with Toni, it's a Rhododendron.
The irises are to die for Droopy, everything is beautiful, but my favorite is the Meconopsis, I just love that flower.
Your first tree is a Loquat tree dooley, the flowers are very fragrant and the fruit is delicious: http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/2321/...
If you have pets, please be careful using cayenne pepper, if it gets in their eyes, they will claw them out trying to relieve the pain.
The purple wildflower is Ironweed (Vernonia altissima), I know it grows in New York, and we have it in Louisiana, so it grows from the North to...
Sjoerd, you can make anything into a grand adventure, I really enjoyed reading about y'all day.
Happy Birthday Heather.
Thanks guys, I love my kitties.
I have probably posted these in the past, hope you enjoy again: [img] Click on the picture for the slideshow.
He is adorable, glad you have such good help.
Without a doubt, my pink Angel's Trumpet, started from a cutting. It is now 4 ft tall. and about 5ft. wide, it just finished another flush of...
Thanks everyone, it's good to be back in action, lol. Droopy, I have no shortage of room, but I don't have good soil, so we have to have some...
Looks great Petunia. Can I come over for a salad.
Hi everyone, I know I haven't been around in a while. There's been a lot of drama around here, teenagers, you know. I had the last of my dental...
Annointed, Redeemed, Transformed, a study of David by Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore and Kay Aurthur, a great Bible study.
They have been active around here to dooley. Glad Chance avoided and encounter with them.
What a beautiful bunch of kids. I remember my First Communion, lots of years since then. I am glad y'all had a lovely day, love the picture of...
Guess what, the armadillos came back, uprooted my beautifully blooming butterfly bush and it died, either the broke the main root, of I did it...
Great job Tom, wow, three in a row.
Great mosaics Calin, you have a great natural talent.
Separate names with a comma.