Modern technology. Mobile phones that can take photos, hold all your personal details etc. Computers, the Internet etc. Social Media. Why is it...
As I have said before. Most of my roses are planted in 15Ltr. pots, due to the garden soil being contaminated by cat waste. So digging and bed...
SO, so sorry. But my devilish sense of humour intervenes. Some years ago. (here we go again) there was a BBC TV programme that featured a...
Nothing done in the garden for the past couple of days. My BOSS, aka, general health calls the tune. However I noticed a few days ago, the first...
What can I say? I ordered my roses Wednesday evening. WOW! they were lined up on my front door step before 0900 hrs this morning (Friday). I...
Just ordered four new potted roses from Cottage Memories. Thankfully they have kept their prices down whereas David Austin and Peter Beales have...
Well done, my friend. Well done.
A few were used for my lilies and dahlias.
My day covers yesterday 11th & today 12th. Having decided to buy a new electric drill, Igot Amazon up on screen. Sign in box appeared with my...
I have ordered 100 large plastic saucers/drip trays cost £129 These should solve the problem.
At last I managed to complete servicing my container grown roses. 'Servicing' By this I mean, checking each one, lifting the container, 15Ltr....
Must admit. I like so many have hoarded stuff. Always convincing myself it will come in handy one day. Then eventually dumping it only to find...
I believe Doghouse Riley uses Virgin Media, so I am not the only one here. Having travelled through the realms of ISP's. I became a customer of...
So sorry to refer yet again to 'past times', but when growing veg with my dad, many moons ago. Our beans and peas would soak overnight in the...
It is so upsetting to observe folk wasting grass cuttings (mowings). Grass is the most prolific plant on the planet. It's full of nitrogen. It is...
Just out of interest. Most nurseries and garden centers etc, offer some sort of warranty with their products. Amazingly some rose growers offer...
Interesting how things turn out. I've been growing roses for over sixty years and WOW how prices have changed. OK, the covid pandemic caused so...
Just been listening to some music on You Tube. Strange how a song that was rubbish a few years ago, can now often be a pleasure to listen to,...
Most of my roses are in 15Ltr pots as mentioned before. Due to health probs. I sadly can only manage about an hour in the garden as and when. I...
We tend to moan at times about this island of ours, but all in all, we have lots to be thankful for.
Separate names with a comma.