Hello KK. I can understand your feelings. Basically I'd say. GO FOR IT. I have no idea regarding the traffic conditions etc where you live. So...
What a palarver. Selecting some new roses.Problems with the website, some of my selection went into my basket, some didn't. Anyway. Very late...
A couple of years back, the long tailed tits began visiting my garden. Amazing. Unlike most birds that fly off when humans approach, these...
So, today was one of those days. Bright and sunny, well the blue sky could be seen for a change. Like a mole I sniffed the air. Cor! *+= that...
A tip about pruning. Cutting right back. This may sound and give the impression, that the author is an expert. With the greatest respect. Such...
Logan mentioned about suckers. Just a quickie. Suckers should always be torn away from the rootstock. This destroys the embyo connection. If...
Should I or shouldn't I? Sometimes life can be like a dream. Are my thoughts, dreams or whatever for real. Here we are in January. January...
Totally agree with Logan. Roses are far too expensive now. IMO. David Austin's have always been over priced. Still, you pays your money and you...
OK. So we buy some new roses. We obviously have some attractration toward them. I, as a professional gardener etc, have grown these beauties...
Welcome to the forum. Young Susan.;);)
The Blackbelt barrister on You Tube covers this matter very well.
Many apologies. Only just come upon this. NO ADVERTS. I understand that in the US. Television programs are constantly interrupted by ads. How...
Stranger than fiction. Yesterday 28th. I'd intended to check on the greenhouse but due to lots of rain, and my daughter and granddaughter...
I have a well stocked library. Many horticultural books plus a good selection of reference books, as I do a lot of research. Fairly recently...
I did start to report this incident online then had second thoughts, after leaving my ID. Perhaps the local boys in blue will recognise me. I...
Thanks for your replies.
This is a typical practice with potted Chrysanths for Xmas, but I've never seen it done with Jasmines.
Actually at first sight of the pictures, I thought rooted cuttings. Then NO!. Surely plant shops wouldn't sell pots of cuttings. Never mind.
Tetters. So you are never short of a meaty meal from the garden:p
Tuesday I spent a while sorting out my workshop/shed. Noticing some of my containerised roses were looking a bit dry, I planned to give them a...
Separate names with a comma.