heard today that we have had like 9 inches more rain this month than average and its typically a rainy month. Some folks dont get 9 ins a year...
Well it's tropically Depressin' here in the soggy south. Too wet to play out side too windy to go fishin, and me and da dawgs are getting Cabin...
Right when I thought I could give the garden boxes a summer work over a storm in the gulf is already raining on my parade bout the only thing I...
We just got a quick down pour rained hard for half hour then the sun came back out. Then it became a sauna out side. Summer steam bath.
Wooooo Hoooooo something I havent seen in almost 2 weeks dry concrete on the drive.!! let the drying continue I may mow tomorrow in the mean time...
ten days and well over a foot of rain today is posed to be the last rainy day as this big nasty low gets shoved east by a cool front. I am hoping...
So what did it do rain for the next few days!! Woke up to the rain and no sign of letting up. When it finally quits it's gona be tough to mow all...
Praise da Lord it did not rain yesterday. If this continues by tomorrow it may be dry enough to mow. I really dont like doing it on Sunday but I...
coming down so hard right now ya cant see across the street.
I went out to the garden to pick a couple cayenne peppers and hadda wear my white rubber boots down here they are referred to as shrimp boots...
All of our gardens are raised bed and everything in the yard is lush and thriving the rain only seems to bother me cant mow with standing water...
Puppies and children are remarkably simular and its fun to raise them together they both need basically the same kind of training.
Down in the semi tropical south the anual rain train is a month late but has finally arrived 4 days and over 6 inches and our yard is loving it....
I always thought the I before e except after C rule was "weird" :p
Thanks yall, we work hard in our yard so its fun to kick back and enjoy it.
The weather has been wonderful so we have been spending lots of time out side. Gardening trimming fertilizing etc or just sitting out back...
I guess we are on a berry kick. We finally gave up on strawberrys we are too far south and try as we might no berries. These blue berries are...
finally finished cutting the grass it rained 3 times and that didn't help the humidity went through the roof.
Well I got the fron yard mowed all but a one mower wide pass along the house to the gate when I ran outa gas. Went through the gate to where I...
I know the feeling it took me 6 hours to weed wack yesterday. all around all the garden boxes drive way storm drains etc. Today 45 mins so far...
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