very little difference most folks dont know the bread is gluten free and really like it we make it that way cause we cant use regular flour and...
here it is fond in most any large grocery store in several ways including white or brown rice styles of course Louisiana is rice country.
It's simple to make and very yummy and naturally healthy and gluten free try some!!
Peggy and I grieve with you, knowing well how it feels having recently gone the same thing. We had already spent over 3000$ on Visits and meds...
We have been bragging about Peg's naner nut bread for years now and this year we gave away over 20 small loaves of it for Christmas presents. We...
It's been raining for 3 days or so and we are very soggy here I have several chores planned but this aint been the weather for it. The sun shined...
Good morning yall!! heavy dence fog this am but soon as it burns off we planning to play in the yard do some pruning and picking up and brush...
January's garden projects are proceeding well. We have only a blue berry bed to cage but that aint pressing since they dormant at the moment....
I got all 8 of the rebar pulled up was quite a task I hadda jet water in wiggle wilggle and twist round with a pipe wrench after much wiggling and...
I am atempting to up root 5 rebar that are over 4 ft deep they are/were the legs to a trellis out side a garden box. The problem is they are...
ecinasia golden seal helps and works better as a preventative. silver coloidal in water really helps ya feel better. Lots of vitamin c we are...
morning yall its warmer sunny and nice out. The yard is still soggy but I uncovered the garden boxes since it aint posed to freeze again for a...
Very south Louisiana. much like you semi tropical. Today however it froze last night for the first time in a few years. May have froze the...
our parsley does good and its gets very hot and humid here we have had parsley plants get huge and last several years. Other plants ya may thing...
It's been raining more hours than not since new years eve. They dont call us the soggy south for nuthin' I put on my boots and picked our...
Cajun culture eats em too. I could post a pic a friend took of chicken feet gumbo but I wont dont want to gross yall out.:rolleyes: We get some...
2017 started off soggy and today there are warnings out for tornadoes and such it is very wet out so we are in watching tv playing board games ad...
70F out but incredibly humid. nice day I am cleaning out my fry rig from Christmas and puttering around in the yard had 2 satsumas for lunch....
We stopped by tractor suply for those of you not familiar its a old style hardware farm store. We get our Puppy food there. When I walked in it...
Yall ever notice the older ya get the harder it is to recoup from a party? christmas day was wonderful temps in the 70'sF and I wore a red tee...
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