Chris, that basil is BEAUTIFUL!! What is the trick? A watering system? Do tell more ... The post I put in with a photo of deer in my backyard...
Speaking of deer, has anyone seen the movie, 'Are We There Yet?' Watched it last night, very funny scene with a deer.
I was replying to Eileen when another large deer was in the back yard. They are beautiful animals, but love to munch on roses amongst other...
Thanks Eileen I was so excited to finally figure out how to post them that I didn't realize I should have put them in the 'Gallery' instead. Oh...
Feed the Kitty! [img]
And my Glasgow Scottish Gentleman friend [img]
I can be a bit of a Devil at work ... [img] [img]
And my online difficulties can't be because of dear Sylvester emailing his kittie friends! [img]
My backyard Deers who are frequent visitors and think that I am creating a buffet for their enjoyment [img] The foreground is from the deck
Okay, I'm trying to get this, you are stretching my abilities! This is a favorite photo of my boys and myself taken November 2004 [img] :roll:
I do have some photos, some in focus, some not ... I am trying to get some posted to share but am lagging behind. I am looking for the one from...
:oops: Did I effectively shut down this topic? Sorry, don't let me show off! Most of that travel I did with work, and so it shouldn't count. So...
Oh how horrible! I can't believe that no one would come ... there have been recent cases of rabid animals here in VA. I wonder if the 'stuff' it...
I don't know if I even want to know! Although, there are many places and countries that I have not seen... 1. US (of course, I live here),...
I think we must have the same job! I guess it transcends languages and international borders!
What's the recipe Dooley??? Share Share Share!!!
Only beavers inside are just the pelts on my coat! Will it encourage more blooms to cut them? Do you know about cultivating new plants? I...
Actually, as I recall, after the trip to Odd Bins we went to Debenham's and caused quite a scene taking photos with the manniquin dressed in...
Well, now when you travel, don't you feel the obligation to experience a bit of the local lifestyle? Could have also been that trip to Odd Bins...
Thank God for relative peace and quiet, hope it stays that way! We used to have a driver who would come to the hotel in the afternoon and take...
Separate names with a comma.