Will I get more blooms if I cut them and bring inside to enjoy?
Well, not to dwell, but I guess it was pretty nasty! How are things over there Eileen? I couldn't go to work, too upset about the bombs. One of...
I have never seen them at all! Tricky things! That's why I was fairly certain it was kids vandalizing but a neighbor confirmed that there was a...
Anyone from London online? I know, it's late there, but I am headed back and am quite freaked out by it all. Of course I am thinking of those of...
I thought it was kids with a little knife or hatchet for a long time but had to finally give in that they were indeed teeth marks and made by the...
Did I forget to mention the beavers that down trees? :shock:
My hydrangea's (finally) are blooming and are a beautiful combination of colors, blue, purplish, and some pink! I know there is a tri color...
Many a wild critter and a new one today Hello all! Well here in Virginia, US, I live along a quite busy road, but back to trees. I insisted on...
Where are you?? Come to my house! The biggest problems we've had here are people showing up. Lots of times people go into this type of business...
Sylvester is the culprit's name. He's quite the fiesty fellow! Now I think he's yearning to get outside and discover what he is catching a whiff...
I've been tempted to experiment with bamboo also but have heard lots of horror stories
Whoa! What'd you call me?? <jk> Dawn, what a beautious signature! Very impressive!!
We just bought 2 new cars here; what a nightmare! Do you have to do so much haggling over prices in the UK and EU? In the US it's a game to see...
Any tips on adding photos? Oh GardenStew! I had gotten myself distracted trying to get photos of Mr. Sylvester and my crew and think there must...
Thank you for your info! I have been distracted by too much drama! Anyway, I am going to try and get my ph together and see if that will help....
Don't give up hope! Mine have finally started to show buds! All of the other locals have been blooming for a while now. Is there a soil that they...
Thanks for the welcome! The 'Stew' is short for stewardess, and has been an online nickname I've used for a while. I fly into Heathrow, and...
Hello Everyone! My name is Peggy Sue and I live in the US, near Washington, DC in Virginia. I am 44 and have 2 small sons, 8 & 4, and we have...
:idea: This year we got a kitten and his litter being sprinkled around my beds has helped keep away the critters who have loved my roses and other...
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