Wow Sjoerd, another great post! That blue paint really is an eye catcher! I spotted her right away! I was just viewing a couple you tubes about a...
Yes Donna, it's me! :) We're in the process of getting a few more ducks and a pair of geese in a couple of weeks. I happened upon this guy's you...
Great post cc!
Good Day all! I feel for all who are posting those minus temperatures and snow and ice reports! We've had a quite balmy winter starting with below...
Sundog this morning...rain or snow heading in later today... [IMG]
Hey Donna, you need some snow for 'insullation'! :mrgreen:
What a neat gift!
Any haystack in a storm... [img]
Happy New Year's Eve out for the pink elephants tonight...(some of you may remember this one from many many many many moons ago!)......
LOL!!! :mrgreen: Ain't no 'preciseness' here...this morning... [img] [img]
Good for you kia! Congrats!
Happy Ice Cream and Cake Day Eileen!!!
Warmed up to 32 today and raining! We'll take it! You want some of this 'stuff' Carolyn?! :mrgreen:
Our 'to do list' is mainly cleaning up and fortifying the greenhouse...some panneling came off and it's cold in there!
Carolyn, you can even cook on a cloudy day, it'll just take longer. Can't wait to hear about your experiments!!! The Polar Vortex has us in its...
That's wonderful news Carolyn!!! We thought the same thing about the price, and we got it on sale!!! It's so worth it!!! Somewhere on this thread...
Got to runover to the recipe board and check out your recipe Sjoerd! Those leeks are BEAUTIFUL!!!
Wonderful pics Donna, and the menu sounds tasty too!
Good Day all! Got a breezy autumn one here. Picking plums and pears like crazy, and dehydrating and canning them. Still picking toms, cukes,...
MMMM...we're picking plums and pears now....baked a Plum Cake in the solar oven... [img] [img]
Separate names with a comma.