thanks Jane. printed and saved. it looks delicious.
Jane, that sounds fabulous. can you share the recipe for that bread? I may never make it but ... you never know. it sounds like a new favorite for...
I honestly would be writing a book myself. it is a lot of work. The celery powder? no idea. I never made it before and have never seen it...
pfft, jane they had to put that on there because of OSHA! CYA is all it is. go ahead use it like you want!
you all look so happy! congratulations. and a beautiful new baby. thats sweet.
I dried my celery from the garden and turned the stems into celery powder. I cleaned out my coffee grinder and pulverized the pieces. I have two...
Lovely Leeks S. well done!
it was beautiful S. I took them with my phone and the sizes won't load. I don't know how to resize them there and then load them. sorry. Maybe I...
Too dark to see it. Sorry
wild, but I have seen the bumbles literally clinging to the anthers in the flowers as I try to pick for my farmers markets. I sometimes have to...
it is on a timer with a measure of water depending on how cooked you want them. soft boiled all the way to greenring I suppose.
S, I have an egg cooker. I can cook eggs fresh from the coop and they peel just fine. I thought it was the most ridiculous gift I ever got... We...
we are all testy, but if I am not sick I am not going to pass something along that doesn't exist. wear your mask if it makes you feel better but...
OH THE ARMY WORMS. I have never seen so many as what we have had this year. on the tomatoes the broccoli the brusselsprouts... holes everywhere!...
no... don't infer. I don't like the beans. especially kidney beans. the rest I can tolerate I don't even mind some of them, but if the beans are...
S, it was chili co n carne. No beans.
Thanks Jane. So, I just finished filling the jars and I ended up with 21 quart jars of chili and 7 3 cup jars. I reuse the jars from Aldi that...
Put a little cooking oil on the label. it will dissolve the adhesive if it won't come off. I have never had a label make a hole that big though....
that is an awesome concept. If I had to live in town I would be a bit more content if I could garden at least somewhat. and this wouldn't require...
today its chili. I used up tomatoes that I picked last week ... for the first time this year. I have sold everything of given it away so far. but...
Separate names with a comma.