So pretty, Eileen.
Good morning all. We had thunderboomers all night. Kept us awake.
Eileen, those who subject others to shaggy dog torture lose all their defenses. Evidently Frank's shipment has started arriving. Be afraid. Be...
I thought, Capt, you were in charge of mustering them?
I remember that white crap. Snow shovel and a hundred pounds of sand in the car trunk. No more.
Welcome, Ogami, from New Orleans, La. I spent several months in Lincoln a few years ago and absolutley loved it. I never did learn to drive...
Good bright sunshiny Monday morning all. Lovely day today. Got lots to do on my website and it has to start sometime today, maybe.
Welcome Olga, from New Orleans, where the Carnival season is in full swing. We love pictures of your plants, your pets, your country, or anything...
Shaggy dog stories rank someone in the deepest of the nether regions, Eileen. Many people are now trying to hunt you down.
Good morning all. Bright and chilly here. We were promised rain, but none so far. The Carnival parade goers need sweaters and jackets. New...
ZZ, love your bottle tree. Glenda, when you climb the tree to to hang yours, could you have someone standing by to take a picture, please?
Love the gazing ball! Wuvie, do they have gazing balls in Hobby Lobby? I wonder if they have them here. I am on my way there today to find out....
LOL, Deb. We had one of those at the weekend cabin when I was growing up. My parents were both raised without indoor plumbing. I would have a...
Good morning all. We were warm yesterday and are cold today. But at least we are not contending with that snow in upstate NY. Yikes! I am happy...
Too kewl!
Wow, that was all chopped up ice hitting the wharf, wasn't it? Scary!!
What a great idea!!! And you will even know their names. I will start that very thing before I pull up any more ratty looking perennials that I...
What a beautiful shot of a beautiful echinacea. I love them. They don't do very well here, but I try them anyway if I can keep them out of the...
That's an old sled???? Looks newer than mine hanging in my parents' garage.
I see a doggy looking at your tin man. Love the tin man. You are one talented lady.
Separate names with a comma.