oooh, pretty irises!
get well!!! ... ... sh.html?hp A US Airways jetliner with 155...
Sometimes called thornapple. Very poisionous. Your animals are smart for not eating it. Its a strong hallucinogen
Awwwww puppeis!
Pretty pets Gardengirl!!
Welcome Ang!
Who else fromthere came here? I see uni, you, ang, GG.
HI!!!! Good to see you here too Garden Guy!!
Hi Garden Guy! As always, love seeing your part of the world.
HI MANDY!! I'm here too!!
ANGIE!! HI!! I'm here too!
Uhhh You want these or have them to trade out?
So much cheese, so little time.
:lol: Funny!
How exciting! Do the days seem to drag or go fast now?
There ya go Valerie.
Hi Valerie! Good to see you here too!
mmmmm sounds yummy!
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