103!!! Yikes! The coffe shelf looks great!
Thanks everyone! I did see your climbing courgettes Sjoerd. Mine is some sort of winter squash. It'll be a surprise.
What kinds are thsy P.dude?
I have a Fuji Finepix F20. Gotta love the micro button.
I have a volnteer squash in my garden. I'm guessing it may be a buttercup cause its in the same spot they were last year and i remember a tiny...
hmmmmm Can it be removed?
Vixen, 4, on 'her' cat tree with a catnip fish. [img] Hunter & Mia, 4, with a catnip mouse [img] Skinny, 9 & a catnip mouse [img] Miss...
I've heard of static cling but this is rediculous!
Black eyed susans are perenial, but do make for great cut flowers. Short sunflowers, gerbera daisy, osteopermum, carnation (are they annual?)....
Yes she did!
http://www.rootsrhizomes.com/ has some gorgeous ones. Quality company.
Thanks everyone.
Free, Fun, Pet Food Site Pholks, In the Canine Companions board and the Feline Friends Board I have added the links below. This Site and...
I make a big list knowing I wont get it all done. But looking back at whats checked off each day, I've usually done more than I realized.
The first is mullein aka poormans tobacco. Herbally useful. 2nd is Monarda aka bee balm. When the flowers dry cut the heads off, place in a paper...
Great pictures! I think I need some of that dragonflower for my garden.
You have a few days to add your caption to this image. We will then have a poll to decide the best one. One caption per member only please and...
I won??? :D I WON! I WON! :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:
Welcome to the Stew Amy!
and stretch..... how long do I hold this yoga pose for, again?
Separate names with a comma.