Oh Bethie thanks for sush a beautiful picture of spring.
Looks like the warm is finally coming I might get brave and start pulling back the mulch on some of the plants in the yard and on the creek bank....
Oh Tina don't give up patience is a gardeners middle name. The one thing that I know about herbs is that they like it on the hot and dry side....
I'm happy too even when I can't post I love to see all of you posting. Keep your chins up. ER
I find it takes quite a bit of practice to keep a trimmer steady enough for an even cut but it can be done if you keep it steady and horizontal to...
Good morning all, 41 here and blessedly raining. ER
Hi Susan from Windy eastern Washington. Welcome to the stew. ER
over nothing but
Happy homecoming Frank sorry you had to leave your real home behind. What a beautiful place and such history. Thanks for sharing. ER
Prim- Our group is called the Greatful Threads but I like -Piecemakers
in the kegs
Oh what I would do to be in your glass house ZZP
hee-hee-hee Glenda
I'm reading The Eldest by Christopher Paolini sequel of Eragon.
Good late morning all. cold dreary amd frosty again here. Hubby off to play winter golf in the valley. I think I wil take one more slow day to...
he found no
by gamma rays
Oh EJ what a special mother you must have and what a special daughter you must be to receive such a gift. As a quilter myself I know how much...
Separate names with a comma.