Cover your mouth when you cough~buddy!!
Am I just missing these.....I think they are also called Balsam. I can't locate any seed. I really like these too! Does anyone have some seed to...
Yesterday I was at Lowes and they guy there told me that Cannas love to be in the pond. I picked up 2 just to see~ mgf~
I will get some photos and post them asap~ mgf~
one of my favorites is the ones made out of that sound!! Will be going to Walmart to pick up a new has long...
Now those are really cute!! So your hubby is a Turtle Herder?? :lol: Are they making more?? Could make them really special and attach a card...
My hubby says that our neighbors must hate me....I have about 12 windchimes chiming,jingling and clanging in the back yard. Today I went to...
You will??? I would love that! Do you need my address? mgf~
Mine died 2~ I think I had like 4 of those "bulbs"~Leaves are really pretty!! mgf~ 8)
If you can't run with the big dogs~~ stay on the porch. " I can't wait till I'm a BIG dog!!!"
I just have to ask..... I was recently diagnoses with this problem and am looking for others that deal with it too. If you want pm me~ mgf~ 8)
Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place but I can't seem to find these in my area~ if anyone has some they would like to share I would be really...
wow~2 great recipes in one post!! Both sound yummy!! mgf~
what does this taste like??? I have been wanting to try something like this but didn't know you could do your own starters!!! Too cool!! I am...
I love this stuff!! I will be writing this one down and adding it to my recipe folder!! Thanks!!! mgf~ 8)
I was really hoping that the strawberry pot thing would work!! Putting them in a tipsy pot thing would be cute too!! My uncle has hens and...
What I love about the dish drainer is that there is actually dishes in there!!!! love it!!!
Is someone stating that .....if your bamboo looks like this it is a bad thing??? lol I have a few pieces in my bunch that are nasty like...
I'm reading the Cedar Cove Series by Debbie Macomber. She writes beautifully and I find her books easy to get into........ I love Janet...
These look great with the little flat glass gems you can get at Wally World. Have seen them painted to look like a ladybug~you paint the top...
Separate names with a comma.