Some of you liked my other photographs. Here are three more taken some years ago in my garden. The Dragon Fly is on the washing line. The frog...
Good day Eileen and Mayuga Morning. All is in the garden for this year. Bulbs and fuschias starting. Zebra grass is starting. Lots of shrubs...
My gardens are small and compact. I do not like regimentation and have all sorts everywhere. I do change things every three years for a change...
Glad you liked my photographs. I will post others at intervals. David M.
My late wife fed these two outdoor cats. Alas, the Bandit has passed on. We called him the Bandit because he ruled the area with a iron fist....
My late wife and I have had 12 generations of this original pair of Mallards and they come every spring and leave in autumn after having a new...
Hello Marlingardner, You are lucky to have a good kind vet. Like GP's you either get a good one or an automaton with no feelings.
Hello Petronius Actually, both of them weren't bought at all. My late wife and I just gave them both a home. All I have left since my wife died...
Hi Catdaddy, We always had Siamese cats as well as tabbies. Alas, Monty and Elle passed away years ago. David M.
Hi Mart, Max passed away 20 years ago. He fathered nine lovely pups one a choclolate colour. The bitch belonged to a pub landlord. We agreed he...
Max was my favourite dog ever. A good and trusted friend and as daft as a brush. Liked to pose and show off !!. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] This is Monty the Siamese and Elle the dog having their daily siesta'
Thank you, Odif, Eileen and Toni. Well that solves my question. I thought they were snowdrops but you all have confirmed that. I never knew...
A dear friend is moving and gave me some plants. Can you name this plant for me. I believe it may be snowdrops though it doesn't look like the...
Thank you Northener for naming my plants. Appreciated. David M.
Hello Cayuga Morning, I am gardening in England in the County of Cheshire.
I have two shrubs with lost labels. Can you name them for me ? Thank you.
I have submitted help for many plants for naming and cultivation with great success from members answers. Very pleaased. Now for the last two...
Thank you LIcenter. Your link was spot on. I await perhaps an answer on the other one. David M.
I have two plants that need naming and how to care for them. Would appreciate any advice.
Separate names with a comma.