I recently got a peperomia magnoliifolia. I went through the house and gave a little fertilizer to my plants including this guy. I realize now...
doesn't sound like either to me. You say almost not stem? How thick are the leaves? and do what color are they exactly?
Gorgeous. I love the whole garden. I'd love to have some of those in my own garden.
I just noticed the flowers, those remind me of sedum again. I have a plant I tentively identified as sedum that kind of resembles that, not enough...
Henry I think that's it. Looks like I need to pull it up quick, from what I see its hard to get rid of. I do not need another weed infesting my yard.
I'm starting to lean towards senecio also and take back my earlier post. Some sort of senecio. Succulents are so hard to sort out, theres so many!
[img] Lol. Had it ready, was destracted when I posted. Another. [img]
And yet another plant from me. It popped up in the bed by the road and it was kinda cute at first so I left it for curiosities sake. Anyone know...
Some sort of sedum or crassula. Not much help I know. Doesn't quite look like senecio mandraliscae, I have that and the leaves(?) are longer and...
From what I know tradescantia flumensis is the only one that's really invasive. That one is very pretty.
I only see one come through my yard, it comes onto my back porch for the calibrochia. I bought a feeder but it hasnt been that interested. My dads...
And another bingo, that's it. Just strolling through lowes and they had some. It's definitely plumbago. Thanks.
Don't know if this vines, my mom "borrowed" a piece that was hanging generously over a fence into an alley. It was beautiful. Now she's requesting...
[img] I got it! No one else really cared so the cousin running things said take it. I hope it does well, I feel theres added pressure since it...
Awesome. I'll do that when I get to a computer sometime today, I'm on my phone right now. I thought maybe a fig tree. The actual funeral is...
[img] Saw this at a funeral. Thought it in bad taste to ask what it was. I like it though.
Lol, too late. I figured out after that they weren't butterfly larva so they were saved. I checked this morning and I think the three I disposed...
[img] Just found two more. Ripped the leaves they were on off and put them in another place in my yard with damaged leaves. This one I...
I've recently let my guard down after having a small slug problem. Beer traps and mulch had solved that, I thought. Now a week after I thought it...
Absolutely gorgeous.
Separate names with a comma.