My jade was doing the same. I had it in a place where it stayed too humid, I thought I was letting enough time go between waterings I but I guess...
So I found another piece of the vine and added that to what I'm rooting. Surprising the piece I stuck in my "whatever" pot has rooted despite...
4. Is burgundy okra I think! Googled it and it looks exactly like it. How weird, I don't even grow vegetables. Maybe it got mixed into another...
Wow, that last one is really cool looking. I use this thread as a shopping list by the way lol. I must have a collection like yours one day. I...
One I've used before on online forums. Tom Robbins is a favorite author of mine, Sissy Hankshaw is from the first book by him I read, "Even...
Great finds! Love that little truck!
I don't know, they do look like my hibiscus tree leaves. It also look similar to the hollyhocks but with a red stem.
If not a fig, any idea of what it could be?
The last one is a little tree. Im pretty sure it's a ficus. I've just not seen one with such thick, dark, glossy leaves.
I dont think 4 is a cyclamen. I just posted two pics if 3 to show the corm(?) it was growing from. 4 is the big leafed red stem one. Loquat!!...
Used the beer trick last night and it was a rousing success! Caught at least 20 huge ones and a few babies. Doing it again tonight.
My SIL was just given an old friends houseplants. Some I knew, some I don't 1. Grassy plant possibly a type of iris, there were two more...
I just discovered them. Bought a bunch that were dying for like a dollar a piece and in less than a week they were the prettiest and healthiest...
I go through them once a week just about. My two yr old breaks them, even the nice ones so I stick with the dollar ones for now. He's not a...
Very pretty. Never heard of them.
Very nice.
Stuff consists of two boats, three old vehicles, a grill, a refrigerator, various boxes, and a bunch of weeds. All lined up haphazardly againsts...
Thanks everyone. Philip I actually scored three pots from the neighbor. They have a bunch of "stuff" lying all over the backyard where we can see...
I have slugs too, I think I'll use the flashlight trick tonight. I've been using pepper garlic spray but and it's been deterring the pests some...
And some more. Checkout lady keyed me in to some sweet deals. Finally got the kalanchoe "flapjacks" I've been wanting. [img] String of bananas,...
Separate names with a comma.