It was growing under a yew and where it's coming up is almost impossible to maneuver any roots. I did get the stem, no roots came up with it...
Stratsmom I think it's darn cute too. It was a pleasant little discovery. Toni I think it's one long scalloped leaf. I'll go out in a bit and...
Gladiolus!! I think you are right. Thanks. It's been a few weeks and I've already forgotten exactly what I planted.
Just ordered some blood flower milkweed seeds to lure more butterflies to the yard. Is there a specific type of milkweed thats best? Im trying to...
It was growing in the shade under the tree. The fruit did not seem sweet or appetizing, but maybe that's because it wasn't ripe. I think I'll try...
Found this growing in my tradescantia yesterday. Looks like a fern. Anyone know what it is? [img] Also pulled this out of my parents yaupon tree...
I bought a bunch of bulbs on clearance and put them in this little bed. I figured most were dead but I'd get a few to grow and I have. I now have...
I don't think I'll ever pay big money for plants again unless the plant is rare or an absolute necessity. Even the bulbs I have in the ground were...
Love the colors!!
I hope. Landscaping on a tight budget takes time. There's a great local business that sells natural landscaping stone, my plan is to eventually do...
We've had a bit of rain here in the southeast lately.
This is the little flower bed Ive been redoing. It was a massive tangle of purple hearts and four o clocks until I ripped them all out in a fit....
Gorgeous! I want one.
Very nice. I need to improve or replace most of my containers, this may be an idea for one.
Love all of it. I just put some caladium in the ground I've had for a while and I'm so nervous they'll die, I love yours.
Yes, I'm in love with this plant. It was the only one there, so glad I snatched it up. I can't wait to see it grow.
Thanks! I knew you'd know, you are the expert. Thanks. I guess I'll be patient with the seedling.
Bought this with a Hoya curtisii label. Googled it for more info and curtisii looks nothing like mine. This does look like Hoya carnosa aka wax...
Looks like it could be a Stock to me. Actually, I'd say it's definetly a stock. moderator's note: removed double posting see point 3.6...
Yes flowerlady, hymenocallis are also called Peruvian daffodils.
Separate names with a comma.