What kind of fertilizer did you say you use on your bloooosums?
Good Morningtime! A loverly day on tap here. Mid 80's F. Slight chance of rain...but I don't see a cloud in the sky. I'm gonna finally get the...
That spiderwort is a pretty color. I hope you get some rain soon.
I'm not familiar with Turks Cap...it is beautiful. Is there another name?
Wooo Hooo! Congrats. Great Caption!
I second that opinion. China Doll. They are a great little plant.
I think fall would be a good time to transplant both. Early enough in fall to let them get a grip on the new location before winter, and late...
Good Morningtime All! Gonna be a great day weather-wise. 84F and low humidity. I could use some rain that is 'scattered' to scatter my way...but...
Good Night Everyone. Its been another hot one, but a cold front with some nice rain is to come thru sometime late tonight. I love...
Very interesting! I do enjoy a good 'this is how it all began' story. I'd like to see some of the pics, too! You guys have done a great job in...
Is there a start up story about how the stew was born? I'd love to know how and when the first seeds were planted, and so on.
We had a dog with epilepsy...he was on daily meds for the last years of his life, but did just fine. I wonder if your goat might could use...
Hi Teresa and Welcome to the Stew!
Hi Mackem...welcome from Delaware USA. Its a great place, I'm sure you'll find lots that interests you.
Wow, thats a lot of rain! We are so low lying we would have floods everywhere with so much so fast. We need rain, but maybe not that much in so...
WoooHoooo! I'm so glad all your preparations and invitations have worked! Congrats! Now lets get some famous HB pictures! :setf_030:
Imagine having to start buying for the Holidays the January RIGHT after they are over? That's when they start selling it to the stores. I wait as...
I don't have a picture of it, but I saw a very neat idea where people painted small baby food type jars. They put a hole in the top for the light...
Welcome to the Stew from Delaware. I lived in Sebring, FL for 4 years. It always amazed me that my landscape plants in FL were my houseplants...
Don't you just love surprises? I think veggies are so cool. I opened a red sweet pepper the other day to clean it, and inside growing was a baby...
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