That is so cool!! I've only seen papaya in the stores. I'm anxious to see pictures of what the ripened fruit looks like. For the KK's papaya...
When you grow up in Wyoming, even if you're in the middle of town, you're in the country. My husband and I both grew up here. I've known him my...
Hi Bernie, welcome from Wyoming, USA. Sounds like a great challenge for gardening where you're at. We have our challenges here, as well. It all...
Calin, you're pictures are both inspirational and intimidating. I just couldn't imagine the work it takes to get such wonderful blooms. At the...
Looks just like my house 8) I think that garden takes more than a gardener or two to maintain.
All right!! I'm still waiting for that to happen. Can't wait.
I'm impressed! And a bit intimidated. It looks like you have a wonderful garden and I loved looking through the photos. Thanks so much for sharing...
Hello from Wyoming, Fountainman. Welcome to GardenStew.
I hate to be non-supportive in this, but it's bad enough to see my husband's boots in the mud room, I'm not sure I want to see them in my garden....
Exciting!! Sounds like it's going to be a bumper crop for you.
Thank you all for the great advice. See... this is why I'm in GardenStew. I can find out the answer before I spread bad information to someone...
My new friend, and fellow gardener, sent me a picture this morning of her first zucchini blossoms. I thought I'd read somewhere that you'll want...
I showed the pictures to my husband and he's started thinking about next year's plantings.
Toni, the two bushes the pictures came from are maybe fifteen feet from each other. Most of the watering comes from being on the periphery of an...
We have a number of dwarf burning bushes along a white picket fence in our front yard. Half of them are a deep green but the others seem to be...
Thursday I took some of the old plant food (it was in a box labeled "Plant Food") and sprinkled some around a cucumber that was seriously lagging...
Delicious looking. That's another plant that I'd like to get added to my yard.
Hi Marie, welcome from Wyoming. Sorry you couldn't get the veggie garden in this year. I'm looking forward to hearing how things grow for you in...
Hi Heather! Greetings from Wyoming. I don't know how I'd handle a garden I had to drive to. I'm too fond of walking out my back door and being...
Hi, Petals. Welcome from Southern Wyoming. I think you'll like meeting everyone here.
Separate names with a comma.