@Dirtmechanic There are rose of sharon bushes around this tree and elm trees close by. There are giant white pines close to the small black...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Not sure how well you can see the damage, but they are oozing sap a lot, and it goes more than half way around the tree. The...
@Dirtmechanic , how does one poison a 50 to 60 ft tall black walnut? I have a small black walnut in another area that we have not been able to...
The tree and my kids are on my property. I can try posting my pics on FB and then here. The damage is to the trunk.
@Sjoerd I have lots of woodpeckers of different kinds here and did not see it happen, so I have no idea.
Normally, I would not be real concerned, but this black walnut is between my house and my kids' house, and if it falls, could take out either...
I did measure my tubs and totes, and the tallest is only 17", so will have to look around. I do have my potato barrel, that would work? They are...
I almost forgot, the other day we were visiting a neighbor out front, and a HONEYBEE joined us. Only no flowers are open yet unless those elm...
@Pacnorwest , I heard someplace (don't remember where) that rhubarb gets too deep of roots for containers? I would LOVE to grow it in...
I have not gotten much done in the garden, I am still working on that quilt when I can. However, I bought yet another blueberry bush, this one...
@melody Mc I hope your little visitor is an American ladybug, and not the Asian kind. The Asian ladybugs are quite invasive indoors and annoying....
I did cut most of my flannel into large squares, and will see how far they go. I have no idea how big that will get when sewn together. I have a...
Not much outdoors, but I did transplant some Star of Bethlehem flowers, some violets and some hens and chicks to my wagon beds. They have shallow...
Thank you @Daniel W .
@Willowisp0801 , I probably would have liked my tablet much better if it was not defective. It only had 16 whatever in the memory, and even...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] This quilt is still under construction. I still have to make the back and the binding and put it together. I had it on my...
I might have figured out what those mystery bulbs are. I have some naked lady/pink surprise lilies around here, and have moved some around. I...
Around my yard lots of things are poking their little green noses out: daffodils, irises, lilies, those mystery bulbs, star of Bethlehem flowers,...
I won't have time to get out there today, but I did get some celery seed in the seasoning aisle a few days ago. I don't know if it will grow or...
I forgot, I also got some rosemary twigs at Walmart Monday, and I got them divided between some starter pots and a glass of water in the kitchen...
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