So the year is almost over with and I haven't been as active as I could be, mostly because I have to go straight home from work and don't feel up...
so pretty, and so big!! I love Dahlia's they are some of the most gorgeous plants!! I recently got mine as well, and like you they started late...
Thanks, I do love all kinds of lillies and it's a favorite around town There are others, but since this is the daylily I thought I'd post what I...
I believe these are all daylilies, please forgive me if I am wrong. [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Thank you frank. I hopefully will stay but who knows i'm terrible at keeping up especially in the fall/winter lol
Thank you very much for the help :)
I'm back! I am sorry for the long absense D:
This is in front of my parents home and I've always wondered what type of plant it was. If I could have some help with this, that'd be great :)...
oh man that would be awesome with a place that gets direct sunlight1! I'd totally do that i even have some jars, but sadly i need to have my herbs...
Ah See i didn't know that. The package told me to plant when the frost was clear in spring so I never got any flowers last year. So here to hoping...
I didn't think the bleeding hearts would come back because they died off early last spring, didn't even make it into summer, but they look good...
yes and next weekend we are going to bristol in NY to go camping for boy scouts and in july he starts soccer. I love that he's involved too. I...
thanks, and yes I go to all his games. I cheer him and everyone on when I get the chance, though I tend to be taking the picctures and omg 2ofus I...
awesome advice and knowledge guys, thanks we get plenty of cold here in upstate ny so I don't have to worry about that lol!! I'm just very excited...
My tulips are returning... I thought they were annual!?! that's what it said on the package but both my tulips have returned and are getting nice...
Yep my son started to play baseball, and he's having fun :D here's a few photos of his goofy self My son is the one at the bottom middle with...
thank you very much! I'm excited to see what I get to plant myself! :D
Looking good! I don't think I will start until the end of april this time, maybe not even indoors, i might just plant them all outside in may...
we still have melting snow, though it's almost gone, I was told that we would have a pretty warm summer this year :O I want to start my box garden...
Thanks everyone, yes he is proud, we had help making it as This lady can't do much with her hands, but he helped sand it and get it ready, and...
Separate names with a comma.