I don't think there would be enough to satisfy me! they are so tiny XD
EDIT: This is how senile i'm going~ I forgot i already posted to this XD
I think she was like, come any closer... and i'll fly away!! XD as for how they take to the cold, you would be surprised. these ducks stuck it...
Thanks, i'm quite proud of the droplet one :D I could probably crop it enough so the yellow of the crosswalk isn't in the picture and you can see...
wel from what i read about them, people would take from the bank, then grow the veggies or fruits, and then from the better of the harvest they...
Ok so it's been some time since I have had my pc up and running due to idiocy of yours truly and i took a couple of really good pcitures... well...
I've never really ate seedlings before O.o
it seems there are a few Seed Libraries in NY so i'll have to look up the laws about it and see if my library might be interested or not.
Its not really a seed bank but more like a trade. But ill look into it.
I haven't done much for my outdoor garden, Not much I can do until April, when i will start germinating some of my plants ^^ Then all gloves are...
I was reading something in a magazine, i was bored and waiting for my laundry to get done, when I came across an article about Seed Libraries!...
Cherry lad, you can always get plants that don't need direcct sunlight! I have found a couple of them because I live on the north facing side of m...
So i figured I would use the last of my thyme seeds, from year before last, and see if they germinated... it seems they are prolific and long...
Good luck to every one it is cold cold cold chuecchrches in my area canceled sunday mass all over the area so people wouldnt be out in this.
I agree netty we are under a huge warning fkr snow ice and wind chill as well
I use it to sweeten tea. Just like you would woth mint there are other ways im sure buy fresh stevia in twatwtea or coffee to sweeten it is about...
Well it isnt so much a new plant... i think what happened is when i cut the main stem it wasnt ready to die yet so it made some new branches lol....
Happy valentines day to you as well!!
Ready for spring
Ok so I'm going to vent now because really... it's February and we have had more negative degree weather than above.... I think our highest was...
Separate names with a comma.