Many things are coming together well for this vacant lot gardening. But...I went out to water that new bed at 4pm (did not check it all through...
Hi. I'm Joan (one less N than you have!) from Missouri. I'm newish here myself, but can always use more gardening friends.
Any plant matter you add will have traces of phosphorus. So compost will help, as will plant based mulches. Did you have a soil test that says...
I'm having a hard time seeing that as a vine, but perhaps it is "Virginia Creeper," quite a pretty and massive vine used in the proper place....
I have a zoysia lawn and many springs I get a orangey rust looking disease in some spots. It has always resolved during summer, but I tried...
I agree. It's an amaryllis, Phyllis. Sorry I always want to make that rhyme. My collection of about 3 dozen amaryllis are my only...
I am bummed. Saturday I worked until 10:20 pm to get a lot of work done, knowing that weather in the mid to upper 90's with high humidity was...
A very basic gardening technique to save water is using mulch. Mulch also has other benefits. A rarely used technique, one which is usually...
Well, enough time has gone by that you probably know whether your tomatoes were harmed. The good thing about chlorine is that it dissipates...
I'm starting a new garden on a vacant lot so close to my house that I can hook up an extra hose in my back yard to water the new space. It will...
Answering my own question--- I just learned that butternut squash will germinate fresh from the fruit, so I presume the others will as well. I...
I wait until there is some gold showing on the squash. The surface that touches the ground will be gold much earlier than the rest, so I wait for...
I'll second the tabbouleh. I love mint in salads, particularly if there will be an Italian or otherwise vinegar and oil dressing. It is good...
I want to plant some of the following squash: Delicata, teacup, acorn, and butter nut. Can I take the seeds from a squash cut open today and...
A delicious wine color. If you want glads to multiply, plant them a little shallowly. Normally they do best in full sun. Looks like they...
Well, hooray, it rained yesterday and today it smells so much fresher outside! I think I might keep an eye out for some citronella oil to spritz...
If you can spend some time pulling it, you can make headway against it. People say pulling it always leaves behind some of the "nuts" to sprout,...
I've had troubles with cats before, but in the last couple of weeks it has gotten unbearable. As soon as I open my door -front or back_ I am met...
Hobbies? Well, let's see...there's gardening. Then there's gardening. And there's also more gardening. No, really, that is pretty important to...
No, they do not have squash bugs. My winter type squashes don't get squash bugs as do my zucchini and other summer squashes such as yellow...
Separate names with a comma.