Scotland or somewhere sent this one, Crocomosia or something. Any ways it is in all its glory. b[img]
Every year I am challenged on seeds of dahlias vs tubers. I did both. Tubers all died Here are the results of my seeds today July 31. b...
Sounds like fun. Dont the quails fly away? b
EEk do we have to dig them out ? Need to know
How cool. Mine never cooperate much. b
Ha I will have to start some there.. Very pretty , thanks for showing the
Thanks eileen an d glenda
Thanks KK This is first time I had glads. all gifts. Do you plant them there? Have to stake them in our wind. b
My deep red glad looks lit read here. It is a beauty donated by someone this spring. [img]
Thanks chelsea That works for the nite blooming cereus, af violets, and snake plant , silver quill. All the above worked for me. Also amaryliss
Wish we lived closer, I would trade you for the flying dolphin.. Very pretty b
Do better than chickens. Are they small eggs?
Let it grow let it grow. Isn't that funny, cause lately I have a terrible turn out with germinating marigolds. Why?? b
No deer problem here, Just bears. big black ones. b
They have a zone map in catologs..
look at the seed catalog
[img] here is mine, just now. It is quitting blooming. It is a slow plant here in zone 5 . b
Separate names with a comma.