Yippee, I fixed it! Somehow my resize-settings got all jumbled, but after checking the photo's I placed here on "my garden", I could reset to the...
Frank & Henry: thanks for your replies :stew1: Frank: before I send you a few of those photo's that "won't stick", I'll try just once more to...
Toni, thanks for your reply. The weird thing is that I've never had problems placing photo's before, and neither camera nor resize settings have...
Help!! Since a few months none of my resized(!)photo's are accepted when I try to place them. In the past this was absolutely no problem. Have the...
These 2 little carrots sure are the SWEETEST ever!! :stew1:
Yes, I suppose that makes sense, thanks marlingardener. Indeed not a very enviable job!
Donna, I am sooooo glad everyone is ok! That must have been the scariest phonecall you've ever received! What puzzles me is that they notify...
Tooty: Great motto! :-D Sjoerd: Glad you like the photo's! Just frustrates me every time that my camera refuses to capture true colours. Maybe...
Toni: Thanks, I think it worked this time, so here they come: [img] ( photo / image / picture from gardenelf's Garden ) [img]...
Such heart-warming reactions, thank you everyone! Ronni: you're not ignorant at all, it's me assuming all non-Brits know what pinks are :oops:...
Just got my 3 year patch, felt I had to explain a few things...... For those of you who remember me ( :oops: ), there may be some who wondered...
No little aliens running around anywhere, were there? :lol:
Glad to see that despite the water-nightmare you haven't lost your sense of humour, Philip! (I know I would have...) You take care & stay safe!
Hi S-H, Maybe this helps: http://www.thebuddhagarden.com/blog/buddha-poses/ :stew1:
Totally cool idea, Cherylad, looks stunning! :stew1:
That's what's puzzling me: I myself use absolutely no poison of any kind in my garden (the rust on my roses I just cut away in the end, not...
That is one cheeky looking little squirrel! Brilliant photo's, Busted :stew1:
Forgot to mention: the number of honeybees & hoverflies this year is at an all time low. My thyme, campanula, cotoneaster & lavender are usually...
A few weeks ago I started noticing lots of lethargic bumblebees clinging to the large agastache in the middle of my garden. They are not...
Your planter looks beautiful, Ronni! That little bird must have felt safe with the Fu Dog around to guard it :stew2:
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