ops almost forgot to post this, as you can see there is some yellowing, I forgot to water... it's looking better now, I'll stay on top of the...
very nice!
thanks for allowing me this freedom:stew1: :cool:
What one might see, is that EVERYONE is taking full advantage of this thing, on a micro level you got people refusing to go to work because they...
tomorrow and the next day we will have 58oF high, but then 5 nights below freezing again... :( I think next weekend we can start planting some...
regardless of the outcome, we will be talking about "coronavirus" for years to come. and yes I suspect many people will tell their boss "see,...
should I pretend it's not there, so no one knows that I'm hallucinating?
Eating well is absolutely essential for good health, and if your body has good health then it is more capable to fight infection and whatnot....
https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/04/navy-medical-ship-comfort-new-york-city-los-angeles-empty-coronavirus.html hospitals so overwhelmed,...
its not true. and the fact that you you think its true is the real problem.
it's spreading in your country too... are you not in "lockdown mode" yet? there is no stopping this... the only thing they can hope to do is slow...
big pharma colluding with big government. what could possibly go wrong? Lol part of my reasoning is simply not trusting the science, but also......
I work from home. i'm still seeing -3oC nights, maybe I could plant some really cold tolerant stuff, but ill wait another week I think.
it's amazing how cut and dry you pro vaxxers make this issue out to be. medical science is bad science, they understand so little and make...
I think it's worth noting that it would SEEM like >95% of people will get this and be OK and for all we know, it could be 99.995%, we simply do...
all the numbers seem to point to the idea that older / weaker people are more likely to die and it's no small difference, this should come as no...
some people are far more at risk than others. the media likes to nitpick cases to spread a healthy dose of panic. well, that's not good. maybe...
I go to do all the necessary shoping nowadays, my gf cried the other day because she felt trapped / claustrophobic. she got over it, but ya... at...
everyone else being forced to wash hands and sometimes line up single file in order to enter the store? they are limiting the number of people in...
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