What are some of the "fall" plants that you will be or have already planted? Anything unusual? I have some squashes that I will be planting...
What popular houseplant was named after the admiral who discovered it in 1768?
Today is a good day for a riddle! 'If you set it, the cats will eat it, If you sow it, the cats don't know it.' What am I?
Dramamine is used to treat motion sickness, what else has been use to treat it with out side effects?
What is the plant Spider's Tresses used for, in the past and present?
What is the largest seed in the plant kingdom? How much does it weigh?
Hello all! I am back, surgery went well, in a ton of pain but that too will pass! Hope you all had a great weekend and Happy Monday! Name some...
Thank you for posting that, my dogs went nuts when I started playing the "pan flute"!
This will be my last post until Monday... I am going to be having surgery tomorrow morning and I will be unable to log in until Monday.... I do...
Nice Answer eileen!
What is frankincense and myrrh and where do they come from?
Holly plants are dioecious, which means 'two houses'. Essentially this means there are boy hollies and girl hollies. The girl holly will not...
Hmmmm this is the 2nd time I've tried to post a quiz question. I have no idea what happened to the one I posted yesterday.......argh... ok here...
I used some old wooden spoons that I found at a yard sale, I painted them with outdoor paint in bright colors, then used the same kind of paint to...
I will take one lump please!
Thank you all for sharing.
Happy Anniversary!
I am taking today to say a prayer for those lost on 9/11/2001. I know exactly where I was on that tragic day and I watched in horror as the...
Siberian Larch is the correct answer!
The _____________ ______________ accounts for more than 20% of all the worlds trees.
Separate names with a comma.