Out on an intertidal gathering over the weekend. Sharing a hairy crab. It was taken at about 2020 hrs. Hope you like it. [img] ( photo /...
I am glad it is in the woods and not in my house too! Cuatro-gatos - I found it in the woods. I do not think it is poisonous but I make sure I...
Spot on!
Perhaps it was busy enjoying its meal. It was on a vertical pipe and ran away from me a couple of times but it came back after one round. Ha!
[img] ( photo / image / picture from songlim18's Garden )
Adrenalynn -thanks. It was taken with a Nikon D60 together with a 105mm macro lens. My settings were F13, ISO 200 with flash. To avoid...
Toni - sorry but what is ICK?
[img] ( photo / image / picture from songlim18's Garden ) This spider is chewing a Daddy Longlegs. It is half way through its meal and you...
A woman was standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror. She was not happy with what she saw and said to her husband, 'I feel horrible; I look...
I asked my wife, "Where do you want to go for our anniversary?" It warmed my heart to see her face melt in sweet appreciation. "Somewhere I...
- a process of shedding their exoskeleton by splitting open the back of their brittle exoskeletons and wiggling out. Hope you enjoy it. [img]...
A group of friends went to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve recently. The 87 ha wetland site was designated as a nature park in 1989....
Hmm ... is it there now? [img] ( photo / image / picture from songlim18's Garden )
join some friends and found this extended beauty at Sungei Ulu Pandan, Singapore. I guess it will eventually turn into a equally beautiful...
Does one usually introduce it to the garden? I guess for me it is the case as they surely will not be jumping 4 levels high? Do they leave any...
Thanks to Pricklypear for the information about reptiles carrying Salmonella. I also ensure I wash the plates and utensils although already clean...
[img] Datura metel (Angel's trumpet) ( photo / image / picture from songlim18's Garden ) © www.NatureLoveYou.sg I thought I would show you...
I dont need any gardening magazine. I have GardenStew! :-p
I would not kill them either. Now, I ensure any new loaf of bread is kept in an air tight box instead of simply tying a loose knot to the bag. I...
Bitta, the one I saw this morning was smaller about 3" long (excluding the tail) and not as pretty as the one on your picture. Eileen, I wish I...
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