I don't know. But I don't agree. Or perhaps, I am wrong.
Every man in a village of 100 married couples has cheated on his wife. Every wife in the village instantly knows when a man other than her husband...
A nice review, Frank. We have two Vista computers: one Dell desktop with 4G RAM and one HP laptop with 2G RAM. I tried to upgrade the laptop to 4G...
Thank you all! I hope I'll try more next time in stead of giving up too soon.
I am quite surprised that my strawberry and spinach still alive outside after a heavy snow with almost 0 F temparature.
It's not too late yet. Either late winter or early spring should be okay. Cut all canes that bore fruits last year because they won't have friuts...
This is my first time to ski with kids and I eventually gave up, sat in lobby chatting with friends the rest of the day. But I was not as lazy as...
It's outrageous that the WGA will disable your system if it is not validated, as opposed to take action after being checked and verified the...
Hi Leosatter, I am sorry that I cannot help you. I do not buy organic food online. It's very hard to decide the quality (especially freshness) if...
Persimmon is one of the types of fruit that I would avoid. I do not consider it a healty fruit because it is a strong "acidifying" food, like the...
Thank you all. To Frank: I used Photoshop. The challenge is to keep the body hairs at edge. Eventually, I decided to remove them all and then...
Hi MrBrownThumb, thanks for your information. I am looking for a macro lens. Lots of options and it's really hard to decide which one to go.
Digitally manipulated photography has recently become a popular pastime. Advanced software technology makes faked photos harder to detect. When it...
Thank you all for your compliments! To Bsewnsew, Yes I have white fly and aphid problem. It is easy to get rid of white flies. On a sunny and...
Hi Palm Tree, Yes, oranges are alkaline. Sounds strange, doesn't it? To be precise, I should say, oranges have an alkalizing effect on your...
[img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Not much - the growing season here is too short. But this year is nice, we havn't seen snow yet, have you? Your photos are fabulous. Very sharp...
Where is the butterfly? [img] Eh? Where is it? [img] Aha! Here You Are! [img] A close catch [img] _________________ Photos were...
Hello MrBrownThumb, welcome! I am from Chicago area too, and am also a photo/video enthusiast.
Thanks! As you can see in the photo, I continue to grow tomatoes indoor. These photoes were actually taken just a few days before. For tomato...
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