Sjoerd, there must be many English words which I am not familiar with. Not a problem. It's good to learn new things. Now if I just remember/.
I do like how you phrased your post!
Sjoerd, I hesitated about putting LIKE. How can I like what happened with your onions? Indeed, our onions didn't do well last year. I'm wondering...
Am I impressed? YES! Not a weed in sight! I could weed every day and still see weeds. Sjoerd, what is augurk?
I too prefer growing to buying. However, when something doesn't grow abundantly, I'm very thankful that someone else was successful.
Sjoerd, your garden is awesome! Color me jealous. Our Spinach bolted almost immediately. I planted in between the beautiful Kale plants and it...
Here it depends on the type cucumber, bush or climber. Last year we grew the long, skinny Suyo cukes in the corners of a patch surrounded by...
A blessing for me as I grow beets and like them. Of course we're getting plenty of rain now, so no worries. Sjoerd, your Bride is your equal, no...
I had an internet friend who spent time in Norway with her son who lives there. He took her on a driving tour. Simply awesome scenery.
S-H, if schools teach anything as used to be taught, it's news to me. I remember Shop where mechanics were taught, Woodshop the kids made...
Oh that is a shame. We use every barrel we can catch. So far this garden season we have used only rain water. It sure saves on the water bill.
Cayuga, are rain barrels a possibility? Would that cover your water needs? Just a thought.
Better late than never?
How well projects go when everyone works together. Great photos. Here is wishing you all an abundant harvest in 2021.
I have seen videos of Norway, awesome!
Sadly the old tower is no longer standing. A huge observation pad? deck? whatever has replaced it. It is no longer necessary that a human watch...
Toni, I am amused at the mental image you offered. Someone dressed in dark clothing, skulking along in the night, quietly placing bags of produce...
Sjoerd, what brought you to Michigan in your youth? Were you blessed to travel to other of our states? I spent my early years in the mountains of...
I understand that apartment dwellers are managing to build gardens high above the madness of foot traffic and motor traffic. I know I am at peace...
Sjoerd, thank you for the Tulip Tour. Awesome. The Grape Hyacinth grows among some of our flowers, increasing each year. There are Tulip fields...
Separate names with a comma.