Sjoerd, thank you for that awesome video. I would call it "Red-Tailed Kite ballet" . Simply an amazingly natural display. The peacefulness of the...
Droopy, you stated my thoughts exactly.
That is a beautiful cardinal and such a privilege to have taken the photo. We usually get 3 or 4 pair of Cardinals in Winter, feasting at our feeder.
My first bout of pneumonia was as an infant. My daddy's cure contained whiskey. I have recovered from it several times, never a pneumonia vaccine....
Carolyn, this COVID seems to affect most everyone in a different way. One brother, my daughter and my grandson fought it off at home. My baby...
Carolyn, that is amazing! I wish I could convince some of our rain to come your way. Our Creekbank will erode, taking part of our garden, if the...
Zigs, that is SO sweet! I used to dream of a Greenhouse where I could grow herbs and supply restaurants, thereby making a fortune! (Dreamer!) Now...
I'm totally with you, Sjoerd. If the spider eats flies, mosquitoes, Yellowjackets, OK, but not Honey bees, not pollinators.
The larger one must have been a family effort. It would take a lone spider 24 hours to complete. When I must remove one, I feel I should apologize...
Beeker, we plant garlic either after first frost or maybe a week before expected frost.
Beeker, not having left garlic I can only imagine it might rot? I have left a few onions. They became multiple onions or shallots? I prefer to...
Mart, fried green tomatoes are delicious. So are extra sharp cheese and thinly sliced tomato on multigrain toast, zapped about 30 seconds in the...
Oh how I hope to never be faced with that. We have quite a few green tomatoes which we will pick when frost threatens and ripen them inside. Does...
Our last tomato, or should we think ahead and save two, will be sliced atop sharp cheddar cheese slices on Multigrain toast, popped into the...
The two of you enjoying the same work and being satisfied working together makes for a "Marriage made in a Garden". (Heaven)
How wonderful! I suppose seeing Neil Diamond was a highlight for me. Then Tina Turner, such a dancer and singer, entertainer, and surprise, Alice...
A year without tomatoes is such a sad thought.
Awww Tooty2shoes, that is just plain sad, no tomatoes? I would cry.
Sjoerd, here I am singing along with Leon Redbone. Love that song.
Marissa, I haven't a clue regarding growing things in a basement. I'm sure you will get excellent advice here. We have people who are expert at...
Separate names with a comma.