A Hermit Thrush has been visiting the dek for a few days now. Haven't seen one for nearly 2 years so it was nice to have one back again. The...
Wishing all members a safe and happy Christmas. [ATTACH]
I just open the window and these Chickadees are always hungry. [ATTACH] Or they come in for it. [ATTACH]
We all have aches and pains, so let us see the aches and pains in this latest story, just click, Aches and Pains and enjoy the little show.
Just shows how clever some birds are. We know they are clever to build their nests, but here is a crow looking for bugs and things, very...
A Steller's Jay is the latest bird coming onto the gate for the pellets etc. that I put out. [ATTACH]
I sit by an open kitchen window and put out 2 or 3 little suet balls for the birds. They are just a couple of feet away when I photograph them....
There was an Eagle on the deck today, where I set up props etc. for photographing the birds. My cameras were on the window sill so i couldn't get...
I feed the birds through the kitchen window by placing a few pellets of a suet mix on a gate down to the garden. After a while they take them from...
Remember the show using the gnomes and other garden things that you all sent in THE GNOME SHOW. Well with things how they are today, why not do...
It was in a different tree today. Took this photo while having breakfast, just opened the window. [ATTACH]
Have trained another to help themselves, although i do enjoy feeding them. [ATTACH]
There are a couple of Eagles that we can see from the from the house. Sometimes a branch is in the way for a decent picture though, I just keep...
Looking forward to a few apples this year.[ATTACH]
The Chipping Sparrow has been around for a week or two now. Not here in the winter months.[ATTACH]
Their are a couple of Eagles around, haven't seen any sign of nesting. This shot was taken from the back of the house. There is one in this tree...
I've been spreading the word and everyone is saying a prayer or two. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I usually take the Eagle photos from the back of the house from the patio, but today this one was at the front. I took a few pics from the front...
Take a break and spend a few minutes browsing through this show titled, Have a Break, just give it a visit and then NEXT.
There was this man and his wife and six children were waiting for a bus along with a man with a wooden leg. When the bus arrived they were told...
Separate names with a comma.