A friend in Ontario sent me this picture asking if I knew what it is, been way out here on the west coast I have no idea. Does anyone have a...
The Hairy Woodpeckers used to be rare visitors till this year. They had been feeding a young one for a few days and now it comes on its own. The...
Just added 8 more bird sayings to my story. Each one has a picture so it helps to let you know what they are. There are 50 now, see if you know...
I have sent a PM to the members on my list who requested the stories that I put together with my pictures. For other members who like to see them,...
Its's great when you see some new birds. This is an Evening Grosbeak. Haven't seen one for a couple of years, there were 2 males here today. Of...
It doesn't take too much running water to attract the birds. This little pond has a few that come to bathe. This morning two hummers were chasing...
This American Goldfinch arrived on the deck yesterday. Managed a few shots of it. [ATTACH]
Just got to do something with my hair. Anyone have a comb? [ATTACH]
A regular visitor to the garden and the deck, the spotted towhee. [ATTACH]
Does anyone collect the quarters from those years? If you do perhaps we could exchange missing ones. I have a lot of spare from the D printing....
I have put together another story using a lot of my pictures. You need a lot to find 50 for each tale. This one is called, 'The Next Show' Just...
Here is my latest bird show, believe it is number 34. So, if this is the first you have seen, you have miss 33. Not really, I haven't posted them...
A busy Robin was helping with the weeding every few minutes. This was just a few feet from the tree it was building her nest in. [ATTACH]
Here is the biggest woodpecker in North America feeding a youngster. Taken in the garden. They have been coming to the garden for 12 years now....
We have the robins nesting in the garden each year. [ATTACH] This is the male and the female, the male is darker. [ATTACH] This is the female...
[ATTACH] Audubon's warbler [ATTACH] Chickadee [ATTACH] Chipping Sparrow [ATTACH] House Finch male. [ATTACH] Pileated woodpecker, male. [ATTACH]...
Caught this young deer with its winter coat on, in the garden today.[ATTACH]
I would like to add a page of official state sea shell emblem to my website. Lots of the states have chosen one. I have many other official...
A first for me at the lagoon, a Green winged Teal. Great feathers. [ATTACH]
This is the female this week in a bit of a snow fall. Made a nice picture though[ATTACH] .
Separate names with a comma.