Thank you very much, Eileen!
Thank you very much, Sjoerd. I have another wonderful update today (May 30) on the roses that you may read at the following link:...
Thank you very much for the kind words, Gail. As always, I truly do appreciate everyone's support. And I have some great news about those roses!...
Hello everyone, I got distracted with my other threads and wanted to update everyone with some good news. Well, at least it is to me. :p I ended...
Thanks again, Sjoerd. Just wanted to provide an update on my roses. Been seeing a hint of red peeking through the last few days or so, and when I...
I've read that about the dish soap and may have to give that a try. I'm not seeing a lot of bugs, but do see a few leaves that have been chewed...
Hello Sjoerd, I also posted about this on another forum, and someone else thought the same, but I have not hit them with anything. I certainly do...
Hello, I have two newly planted Double Knock Out Rose bushes, and have been noticing some of the leaves are being chewed on. Due to how expensive...
Thank you very much, Logan.
Four months ago today, you were taken from me. And it’s been a hard four months without you, Lady G. I've kept a few things the same around here...
Thinking of you on this beautiful Easter day, Lady G. I love you and miss you very much! Thank you two very much for such kind words. I truly...
3 months ago today, the most precious little girl in the world was taken from me. She was my world. My best friend. My little angel. There hasn't...
Thank you very much for the kind words. I truly do appreciate it. I think that's awesome that you have a cat named Lady G. And if you don't mind,...
Thank you for the information. I've really not decided on anything just yet, still looking. I've also heard a few good things about drift roses on...
As long as the neighbor keeps feeding them, they seem to stay over in her yard, for the most part. And there are hawks and owls around my house...
Hi, thanks for taking the time to respond. Some container plantings are a possibility. I was actually thinking of some pink Hydrangeas in a...
Thank you for the kind words, Logan. I appreciate it. And thank you too, Eileen. Your kind words are certainly appreciated as well.
marlingardener, thank you very much for responding, and for the helpful information. I've considered some plants as well. Still researching, so...
In Loving Memory Of Lady G. (2007 - January 14, 2019) [ATTACH] I lost my dear cat on January 14, 2019. Her name is Lady G. I had her for about...
Any of you in Georgia have any experience with these type of roses? Got any tips to share? From what I've read, they seem to do very well, and do...
Separate names with a comma.