The Party by Elizabeth Day, excellent, interestingly written, very English, set in Cambridge and a little in London. Trying to think what genre it...
What a joy to come home to
Awww thanks. Yep, I will keep you posted of my creations
Amazing views
[ATTACH] One of my customers has become a firm friend and she is a crafting maniac, incredibly talented and has a pottery studio in her garden,...
Freshly mown grass like everyone else, but also sweetpeas, tomato foliage, black currant foliage, daphne, jasmine......the list goes on
Evening all, I'm back from our family weekend in north Devon saying farewell to my lovely old grandad. Yes, I was an emotional wreck, I always am...
[ATTACH] Friends, I will be absent now for a few days. As a family we are heading down to Devon to say goodbye to my 93 year old grandad who died...
Practising my scales until they are purrrrrfect
It lashed with rain all morning but cleared so I spent a couple of hours tidying my greenhouse and getting it ready for spring.
I adore sprouts, I would go as far as saying they are one of my favourite veg, but then I have lots of favourite veg. Your sprout tops really so...
I spent Sunday in my garden cutting back and clearing back, it is almost all done and tidy, just the willow to be pollarded and the surrounding...
Me, me, I don't like chocolate very much cooked in things, give me a bar or box of chocs, but I'm not a chocolate cake lover.
Separate names with a comma.