hi everyone, i would like to know how to seperate cone flowers, would you all know? thank you margie
those are quite beautiful' thank you those are so pretty
yes it is a blue angel itwas so pretty last year but i think with more sun it will be even better, im not sure if its a climber or not, i need to...
is it ok to dig up roses this time of year , i have a small blue one that needs a little more sun, so thought i might try and move it. thank you...
would anyone have any shade flower starts or seeds for postage or trade of some things i have. thank you all margie
what summer bloomers are there that bloom during the summer thank you margie
Thank you all for the suggestions. I have a couple of old shower curtains. I never thought of that. I wll get some of those flowers too. Thank...
hello everyone, i am making a new shade garden does anyone have any ideas its mainly all shaded, i need to go as cheap as possible, and try to...
can i take limbs off of the hydranga and make starts
hello everyone, i have another question i have a hydranga its about 5yrs. old but its really not in a good spot, can it be moved, or can i take...
hello everyone, i am looking for some variety of succulents to start me a garden of them next spring, also some different types of cactus for...
anyone have any tiger cannas i think that is what they are called or giant red ones, i have some to trade or maybe some ther things maybe, i have...
hello everyone .... if i send you all a pic. of my angel trumpet could you all help me in the pruning, and where to do it in the picture, when i...
my angel trumpet is about 5ft. tall, can i cut it down to about two ft tall will it hurt it. i want to bring it in for the winter its just so big....
Hi i have had a cardinal bush now going on 4 years never has bloomed can someone tell me why please . Thank you margie
Please. Help the rabbits are making my petunias a great salad for themselves . What can i do that will really work, aomething natural maybe, does...
oh i forgot to tell you i have pruned it back the last 2 years because it got large, i thought that would do but it didnt, thank you margie
i have a big red cardinal bush, but its never bloomed, would anyone know why, i wanted it so bad it has a beautiful color but no blooms ever, i...
Would you have any of those seeds left that you would want to sell, they are beautiful, thank you margie
Oh im so sorry i thought it was you thank you margie
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