Crooked Gardens Or Straight My hubby drives me crazy every year, its because of the tilling, I am afraid there is going to be a murder around...
Carnations toni do you think it's ok to do now?
Hello everyone ! I was wondering, How can I seperate my carnations, They are beautiful but they have went crazy, They have took over my med. size...
I have some red pots. and some white they will be ready I think in about 2 weeks or so, Will I be able to plant a second crop this summer or is it...
Hi everyone, I bought me an angel trumpet vine yesterday, It is a yellow one I hope, Will they bloom this year, it's about 3ft. long, going up a...
I am looking for some succulents this spring if any one has any , I will pay shipping, I love these little things, I made a frame with some of...
Hi I am looking for some bronze and red heucheras, and some feather sedums,If any one has any I will pay the shipping. Thank you so much :) :)...
Last couple of years seems like I never get enough flowers in my front garden so I have a big bald spots here and there, So my question is can you...
Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone has any sedum cuttings, Mine for some reason died over the winter I have a little piece of a small one left,...
I will try to get you one today, Thank you Margie :)
Hello everyone, I am redoing a big round flower bed in the front,Probably going to have a huge elephant ear in the middle, But need ideas for all...
Ok I have a crazy request, Please I promised a lady some toad lilies to some one, Will they please get back with me so I can send them to you,...
Hi everyone, it's me again, I have another question about my painters drop rug, after it's all done how would you all say to put the polyurethene...
Well my anniversary is the 29th, of this month it will be a big 29 years, Yeah!!! :-P
Hello again, Is it a juniper bush that has the yello flowers all over it, and gets pretty big, and I wonder if they will bloom in shade. Thank...
Hello everyone.would anyone know what kind of nice bushes I can plant in the shade, I want to put it in the back os my shade garden. Thank...
Well toni they told me to use this stuff so i bought it, But you are right, I made one for under my dining table, and one for the bedroom, they...
Hello every one, I am in the process of stenciling a drop cloth, , My question is I have it done and now I am putting water based polycrylic...
Hello everyone, does anyone have any Hellebores any color,to buy or something I can put in shade garden, My front is good but the back of my shade...
Butter fly Bush I will try to get out there today and take some,Thank you Margie
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