This Morning I put a new Rabbit fence around my Zucchini plant and here were the first leaves poking out and I haven't even prepared this part of...
That is wonderful Dooley, Mine are ready to plant but with all the crazy temp swings we been having I have been waiting we may have frost again...
That sounds so yummy luvdirtyhands1, will fit into our low carb way of eating. Its just a bit different then the one I have.
Looks like what we call Foxtails.
Do you know what this Butterfly Is ? It sure loved my Zinnia's last summer. [img] ( photo / image / picture from happyzinnia's Garden )...
These Pictures are wonderful. We are desert dwellers also and people always ask us why we don' do anything with the rest of our acreage and leave...
Thank you Carolyn, will plant new ones and try it with a couple of them.
I started some giant sunflower seeds in a six pack and was going to plant them as soon as they were big enough but mother nature put a wrench in...
Thank you. I transplanted it yesterday and there were 4 plants in the pot. For now they are happy. I will plant a couple in the garden and the...
I got a very nice and healthy looking Stevia plant from a Home Supply store and would like to know if I should plant it in the ground or in a pot....
Thanks all. Now I know what to look for. Here in AZ we dont have a problem with humidity, just the opposite, we have hot dry winds. My herb bed is...
Will this also work on Ants? I will try it on the yellow jackets that insist on building a nest in our air conditioner every year.
My most favorite herb is chives and parsley. I also grow basil, cilantro,sage, mint and more basil. Oh almost forgot garlic, a friend gave me...
Thank you so much Netty, no wonder the plants at the Nursery don't smell also and look like mine. Do you know where I can get a true plant? We are...
I started some taragon from seed and it is doing very well but it doesn't seem to have any flavor or even smell. Will that change when the plant...
Dooly, you are very busy.I live in AZ in the high desert and been having mid 20 deg temps at night. I have some old flannel sheets and blankets...
They are primarily a desert bird. The latin name is " Phainopepla "
Thanks for all the nice answers. I did not know what this bird was and loved the soft sound it makes. My daughter gave me a book called the birds...
After a couple of month our black Phoebe's are back. This pair has been coming here to spent the winter and dine on the berry's of the Pyracantha...
We have Boysenberry and Blackberry Vines that are starting to have Berries right now, a few every day. My question is : do we cut the canes that...
Separate names with a comma.