I love that bbq sauce! i can find it from time to time around here. Now I want BBQ!
Great shot! Lucky you to be in the right place at the right time. :wink:
Sorry I have no humane ways of getting rid of the rodent....growing up my dad was not keen on catch and release since they will come back. I...
All you can do is your best and hope that mother nature smiles on you. Good luck!
I use a seaweed fish emulsion one week and then I use miracle grow the other...It also doesn't hurt to put compost around as well. I use a...
With the squash i would think that it is a fertilizer problem. Not all flowers are the female producing flower. Could be that you have a lot of...
Welcome from another Vermont from the North East Kingdom!
Sunflowers are my absolute favorite summertime flower. Any color, any variety!
Catapiller Killer Bacillus Thuringensis Concentrate 8 oz Bonide Products The above is a mixture that is diluted and you mix it with water...
My mom swears by using original scented bounce fabric sheets. She tucks them in the straps of her bathing suit or tank top..or around the neck......
I just wanted to say hello and let everyone know that I miss blogging on garden stew. Life has gotten so busy lately. I have been helping my...
Sure looks like a geranium to me...gorgeous variety!
I use it on all the plants in my garden...I would give it a try. I don't use Sevin or other garden dusts and it seems to keep the munching down to...
I planted moonflowers last year and each bloom only opens once and only in the late afternoon. They blooms until the first hard frost. I would say...
My husband has told me about conkers...That just seems painful! I played kick the can, hide and seek, my brother and I would play in the woods...
You could pick one of those tomatoes with holes in it and cut into it and see if the insect is still inside it.
Sorry to say there really isn't anything else to do but bathe him over and over in tomato juice....then wait for the faint odor to leave. We have...
I use a mixture of tobasco sauce and water and spray my plants. Most insects do not like the hot taste. I also kick up the mixture by adding from...
My lawn and back hill are full of what ever that is. It spreads all over the place.
A agree...you need a much larger pot for the plant to create a good root system in order to make the plant grow bigger. I would recommend a 5...
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