Did u check on the lower leaves? Could it be Leaf roller worm and Amorbia moth? "Leaf roller worm and Amorbia moth (called "gusano descarnador"...
Silver maple tress are said that it may live for 130 years or more. Hope it's not dead
I like my okra boiled and you can also broil it.
Hi, thanks have you tried it?
Maybe it's a scratch that has healed.
I usually use it with steamed fish.
Lovely flowers there, I love this thread and I would be following it.
I'm no expert with butterflies but I do love them!
I love mine with oyster sauce. Fry chopped garlics in oil until a bit brown add broccoli, next oyster sauce and a little bit of sugar. Don't...
wow! never thought there are lots of uses for mint. the burger recipe fascinated me so i'd give it a try. :stew1:
sorry for the bad state of veggies there. what could have turned out wrong? no pests seen?
beautiful! and the shade's so pure and delicate.i love it! :stew2:
i'd go for roses. :wink: all shades and sunflowers too! :stew1:
two thumbs-up and a salute! i really love it!
it would take a while to see signs of life coming back in but you keep on hanging. :stew1:
i would love to see the pics too when it blooms. and it will! :stew1:
hi ashcat. i hope to hear a news about your blooming roses soon. :stew2:
it's my first time to see such tree too. And was that berry-like thing a flower? i guess it;s time to ask the neighbor what it really is. :wink:
i have noticed that butterflies nowadays are so few i'd be amazed if i see some visiting my lawn. back in the old days we'd catch them with nets...
Can I add some more? Lol I love broccolis too! And tomatoes :D
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