Does anyone have any of these? The flowers are spectacular! [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] :shock: :shock: :shock:
Having looked at it today it's already caught loads of flies! Clever plant. Mwahaha! :mrgreen:
Stunning isn't it!
Yeah it earns its keep! It's a really pretty plant. I'm fascinated by it! Hopefully it does a good job of catching all the fruit flies!
[img] Bought this sundew to catch all the pesky fruit flies around my plants. I've never had much success with carnivorous plants but this one...
Very poetic, Jerry. :mrgreen: moderator's note: removed unnecessary quoting of previous post
My little adenium died. I think I might have overwatered it because the caudex rotted and the plant died. :'( It was only a seedling so not so...
Wow that's very kind of you! The only plant I have that is putting out babies at the moment is my Agave Americana. I'd gladly send you one of...
You've got me obsessing over ceropegias now. They are amazing!! I'm bidding on a ceropegia stapeliformis on ebay now. :D
Theo that Ceropegia Sandersonii is stunning!!! I really want one of those!!
After doing some research it seems that it's up to the plant when it puts out a new vine and isn't determined by the seasons. So it can sit...
I've got 3. One of them is the most fussy plant I've ever owned. It appears that it sheds it leaves completely randomly. One month it will put...
About a month ago, my dioscorea went into it's dormant phase. All the leaves browned so I removed them and stopped watering it. I placed it...
My new moth orchid. [img] :-D
This video is very good. It tells you how to repot an orchid and as you will see, you can be very brutal with the root pruning. They love it. I...
I don't understand how people can struggle with them! They're easier to look after than a peace lily! :-D
They just need plenty of bright, indirect light and lots of feed. They are really easy to keep! I'm always finding people who have orchids not...
I've seen a Ceropegia woodii on ebay. very beautiful and unusual flowers.
Thanks guys. I did notice the suggest function, just wasn't sure if there was a different way for members. Thanks :-D
Can anyone do this? I've searched a lot of my house plants there and there are no results for any of them!
Separate names with a comma.