That's what I've always called the new growth. There is a fiddlehead fern also. From what I understand those fiddleheads are edible, and taste...
Yes it's insect infused suet. I also have mealworm blocks that many birds love, even the cardinals hit it every so often.
Love the fiddleheads coming up.
I'll share, but you better... play nice.
I can see that. Wish the sun had been a little higher so it's colors could have really stood proud.
I've seen many in my neighborhood, but never in my yard, let alone at the feeders. Actually there were two Northern Yellow shafted Flickers. [IMG]...
Love the dianthus! Is that one called firewitch?
Looks like someone has been quite busy.
You have a few days to add your caption to this picture. We will then have a poll to decide the best one. Only one caption per member and try to...
Thanks all. I'll put something up no later than Saturday morning when I'm home from work.
I'm envious Jewell. My plan was to pack up my tool bag this past January. I now have a new boss, that pleaded with me to stick around awhile...
Very cool! My heart would have been pumping a mile a minute if I were to see that in my garden. We had a Red bearded dragon as a pet. He now lives...
Not much on words, eh? Mom says it's cause you're always stoned.
Not as cute as a gnome, but I do like my gargoyles[IMG] This poor guy is not handling his 30+ years in the garden very well.[IMG] Grolf is the...
Probably had an automatic tranny. A six speed manual with overdrive in it, would surely have resulted in it still being in the driveway. Just...
Nice! Thanks for the info Kildale.
Ahh A nice quiet 12 hour drive. Think I'll use the van, as it will hold more. Plus that 12 hour trip back, I might need a short nap.
From one islander too another. Welcome J. Wish I could say I have a wealth of knowledge in all things related to gardening. But I don't. I leave...
I'm curious as to how he finds/gets these birds. Are they mostly rescues, or does he like living on the edge while momma bird is out hunting down...
Whoa! Instant hunger pangs just set in. Wonder what it would cost to have one delivered to Long Island. :)
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