hmmm ,jub ..maybe buy a cheap can of it,or instant, just for your plants sake,lol..
So sorry Netty,but i understand,ron doesnt wear them either,, Hey Tony, ive seen that pic with you and your hat, i like it,,sometimes a whim gets...
ZUZU,,,LOL,really ,in and out,,come over here ,ill put ya to work, you'll have time to wear a flops, i love them too, hmmm, next...
Hi Lauren,a mg girl ha,i like those little convertibles,welcome.. kat..
Thanks Cajun, well worth all the work too!
Ya Stew,it is.And i have all those azealas,i drink alot of black coffee,and the left over goes to my plants,or when a cup goes cold on me while...
I have a old book of Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm ,1903 edition, im on page 40,so far its pretty cute story..
Welcome Salop... Kat..
here's one of mine, i have several... [img] [img] post a pic if you have one you wear..
Ive been pouring my cold coffee out in my plants for years ,mainly cause its liquid for them, and here i find this about one woman knowledge with...
LOL, Melissa, there is 2 roses by arbor, pink ones, but they got zapped by the frost,so not sure what they will do this year, the trees we have in...
Thanks Bip,long day,9 thirty ,just eatting supper,lol..
nope, dont have any,got some of my moms old sewing books, but i have a ton of garden magazines, none very old though,,
very pretty,,i got some new ones today, i just love roses!!
Today Me and Ron went to go buy mulch from Colonial nursery in Blue Springs.On the way we stoped by Home Depot,to see what they had for...
Eileen,we wanted a bigger effect out front(quick) so we went with this size, but for the back ,i think i will buy smaller,yes and alot cheaper!!!lol
I feel for ya, as my dad has alsheimers too,its just awful,ill be glad for a cure to come soon!!hugs girl,,,
Have you looked up that product on the web, maybe you could email the company and ask them, or look into repairing ponds,what products are used on...
here's a old wicker rocker that belonged to Rons uncle,it needs major surgery.there's a lady in ozark,mo that restores wicker,so it will be going...
We bought like 13 bushes last year, planted the at the driveway,they were huge and we dug them up at the nursery where we bought them for 25.00 a...
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