Those look soooo delicious!! Unfortunately I'm allergic to strawberries so I can only dream of how they taste!!
Thank you Eileen, ZuZu and Polly!! I have missed all of you as well!! Coming back in the Stew is like visiting long lost family!! :)It is...
I think they are too Droopy :) Eileen I hope the rest of your snowdrops grow before they bloom! I love snowdrops. Every year I say I'm going to...
Gwen is very beautiful and her new blanket looks lovely on her. I hope her cut doesn't give her any trouble! I love to watch horses run and prance...
Thank you everyone! :) Droopy I will do my best to take it easy :) Kaseylib we had a wonderful holiday with the babies! :) Sherry8 it is nice...
Hi Deanna!! Thank you! Yes they are cuddly!! hehe ;) I has truly been so nice to hear from all my old friends!! :)
Hi Sharon!! He has such a sweet soul and when you hold him he just peers into you and melts you away!! I always think he has an old little soul!!...
I don't know Netty it will be interesting to see!! I'll keep y'all updated on them.
Glendann I remember your tulips doing that! Weird! Bethie I wish a strong wind would take mine away too but since Glendann's yard is not very far...
The definitely do make me smile and laugh hilariously at times!! :) My health issues were on the upswing until I caught this cold/flu bug I can't...
My hyacinths are really strange this year. Maybe it is the warm weather we have had. They are blooming before the stalk is out of the ground....
Hi Netty! Thank you so much! Thank you Glendann!! He is sweet and mellow just like his Uncle Brandon!!
Oh it is sooooo beautiful! I do wish we had that much snow here! We never get snow *pouting*
I know it has been a while since I've visited the Stew. I have missed everyone!! I thought I would post new pics of my grandbabies so everyone...
He is such a cute little guy Dooley!! I can't wait for them to make their return back around here. I love to watch them dart in and out of the...
Thank you all for your comments.:) Dooley I wish you could travel through space too!The mental pic of your time travel and getting back...
I'm glad Squeak is going to be ok! :)
Wow! I love them! Who would of thought Sharpie would make such beautiful paint!! You really are a creative lady Toni! Hope you find a place for...
I love this pic of Cheyenne and Piglet! They look beautiful among the Mexican Petunias! :)
I think your well looks great Toni. I can hardly wait to see a pic of it complete. :) It will be very nice!
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