Thanks a lot for a comprehensive reply . Now where is the smiley for ::not worthy :: ( like in Wayne's World ) . :-)
You should leave the roots in the ground , Peas , chickpeas , beans are all leguminous plants which fix the atmospheric oxygen and store it...
I have a couple of pomegranate trees in my garden . One of them has these deep red , deliciously sour fruit , the other is quite pale and...
That looks great . I am a bit intrigued by 'pack the roots in sand ' , care to tell us what it means and how does it work ?
A little bit of this and that , photoshopped for more clarity [img]
Autostitch is the friendliest and the most do nothing program I know for combining photos . Use it a lot at work ( and play ). I have thrown as...
Unfortunately that is what I did and it doesn't work in a post as it does in html . So this is what I got from Frank as a PM , I hope he does not...
I personally am not too much in favour of lawns in areas where they wouldn't grow naturally . But a great way that is catching on is sustainable...
I was wondering if you could share how you prepare the gourds , they look awesome . And how do they fare with the sun and the rain ?
The best registry cleaner I know is format and reinstall :-) . Of course back up your data first . Here is what I do whenever I install windows...
Very good , what you are doing her is commendable . If all of us could spare for others that don't have ...... :-)
Beware , to go really organic your food scraps and yard waste have to be organic as well .
My take on composting is that it is no rocket science . Stick to the basics and you would be all right . Good compost should have a balance...
Biita , that sounds like latkes to me , yummy . We sometimes grate a zucchini to it as well for variety .
A new graphic to reflect the changed design. [img]
I started thinking about gardening a few years back when I realized how many poisons we are consuming in our food . We started buying organic food...
I am happy to report that I took aliencam's advice and put some cotton yarn with a know and it seems to work .The water comes out slowly the way I...
Sounds like an excellent idea , my initial experiments were not to great , even the tiniest pin prick lets out water in a gush , ten minutes tops...
Like Toni said , begin the compost now , doesn't make a difference . I am not so meticulous about the greens and brown , I just make sure the pile...
Wouldn't that be more of a function of the size of the holes ? I am a bit skeptical about very tiny holes getting blocked .
Separate names with a comma.