I want a big strawberry garden this spring/summer. My grandmother said that the local nursery has them already and if I plant them now, they'll be...
Those are so pretty! I didn't get any blooms on mine this year, they were in the shade.
I have a basil plant that I bought in August I think, and it was nice and green, growing nicely. Then...the heat got to it, I thought it was about...
Well, they died probably form a number of reasons. We didn't do anything to the soil before we planted. My husband felt it was just fine the way...
I hope the pictures will work. This is what we thought would have been a nice garden with lots of yummy tomatoes and peppers...Well, it wasn't!...
Thanks for the information Redrose! :-D
Well, I am hoping to have a better garden next year. We need to improve the soil, I wanted to make a couple more raised beds too. I would love...
Hello there. I wanted to know what the difference between determinate and indeterminate is. I have read it's the size of the plant, and then my...
Thanks for the replies :) I think I'll wait till the kids are a little older to grow it in our yard. Yes, you're right Sherenity, it would be like...
Hi there. I started a moonflower seed and it's growing! But, I wanted to know if they are poisenous or not? I think I read that they are, but I...
We bought quite a few plants this year after we moved into the house. Unfortunatly a lot died....so sad! I felt pretty guilty when I stopped to...
Thanks for the replies, sorry it takes me a while to get back on here. I think I got 2 bearded irises. One was blue and yellow and I can't...
I got 2 iris bulbs the other day and planted them, but now I wonder if it was too hot to plant them? It was 110-113 for several days, and it's...
We have been finding a LOT of black widows and their webs in our backyard and would like to know what we could use to try to control the problem....
Well, 1 is about dead, and two more not far behind. One of them has quite a few green fruits on it, and I want to know if I should snip them and...
I am going to go out an check them in a few minutes. But, it looked like the lower leaves were turning yellow first, then moving up. I'll check...
Hi, several of our tomato plants have started to turn yellow, started with the leaves, and now some of the branches too, within the last several...
Hi, I was curious if anyone is growing coffee plants? If so, do you have any tips? Would they do better indoors or out? I have had 2 in the...
Today I got a Raspberry Frills lavender and a Provence lavender. They're small, in 4 inch pots. Is a very sunny location good for them, with...
Well, I snapped a piece of the twig off last night and sadly, it's dead. So, I pulled it out. The garden center we got it at has a policy if a...
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