My butterfly population is down this year despite adding more plants to attract them. The plants they are most attracted to are my phlox, bee...
Lovely photos Sherry. I have not had as many butterflies this year. They are just starting to become more prolific. Lots of bees and hummingbird...
Another "spud"tacular posting :mrgreen:. I hope you weather has improved. Didn't you have a lot of rain the last time you had a garden...
Beautiful lilies, I love the huge blooms on the white & pink one.
Greetings from Tennessee. Two of my favorite things...gardens and photography. Welcome to the Stew. :-D
Thank you all for sharing your invasive plants...or is it a weed? :wink: Webster defines a weed as: a plant that is not valued where it...
I can't take credit for this, it is in my sister's garden. Didn't think to measure it but it was pretty big! :mrgreen: [img] ( photo /...
When we were landscaping our new home in Virginia we had an area around the deck that stayed wet. I thought I found the perfect plant Houttuynia...
I grew up in the Garden State... on the "Jersey Shore" way before they decided to create a series on reality TV. We have always lived in the...
Belated Birthday wishes. I just returned from vacation and am catching up on 500+ posts :mrgreen:
So glad to hear Droopy & her family are safe. Thanks for the posting Sjoerd. I was visiting my Mom when this tragedy happened. Both of her...
Thanks everyone, glad you enjoyed the tour. Cheryl...I have a mix of annuals, perennials and re-seeding volunteers. I probably average about an...
Cute shots, its amazing how many positions they can get into to get the seed! :mrgreen:
Thanks Calin, it has been very hot here but we have had some drenching thunderstorms to keep the garden colorful & green.
Philip & Jerry thanks for the compliment. I put myself in a photos but I thought it was a bit too busy. [img] 3 D reflections ( photo / image...
Despite the HOT weather, the flowers are thriving. Here's whats blooming. [img] Persian Shield, Angelonia & Lantana ( photo / image / picture...
Thanks Eileen, Clifford is his favorite toy. Tooty...Dino is a 7 month old English Golden Retriever (they are white/cream color) Molly is an 11...
I was taking photos of my flowers when I noticed the dogs watching from the window & took their photo. When I uploaded them, I liked how the...
Pretty butterfly, interesting color combination.
Very pretty, I love the dark purple one. I have a yellow one with a red edge that gets about 4". I get lots of leaves but not many flowers on...
Separate names with a comma.