On a profit-loss workup, I don't think styrofoam gives to my garden as much as it takes away. Sooner or later I gotta pick sift this stuff out.
Thank you Eileen. Your link is reassuring.
Another orchardist I know is using 'Neem' cake (this is the residual left over after pressing out neem oil) as a systemic for borer on her peach...
I am sheet composting bark mulch where I have planted saplings. I expect that will need to continue for the rest of my life. I will keep on with...
BT is baccilus thurengsis, a bug killer used at the larval stage. Is is often mixed with water and applied with a spray bottle. it meets organic...
I am planting a reclaimed strip-mine. I hope some day to end up with a food island there. Much of the level parts are back-filled with clay...
Giggle, I like anvil pruners they last longer. But seriously pear are alopathic. It will have to come out and the yard will have to lay fallow...
OIKOS and Mussers delivered in the past day-or-so. Everything that needs potting is done. I will hold off on repotting azalea till I gets some...
I can usually find a steady supply of ivy to train into bonsai for people with compromised mobility, at my local big box store. The last few years...
The um person who made that "Spring has Failed" page gets un-freinded by me... By golly
When I am in doubt I put the chopstick to use. Run the soil ball through and through fifty or more times. If you can do it up from the bottom do...
Does your pot have a drain in the bottom? It has to have one or the roots will drown.
Toni I just put an order in with Sand Mountain. I suspect (but do not know) that their stocks of tuber are thin. Some years I gets some, others I...
The Pats are the best 'onna again, offa again' team in the league. This year its onna again, :)
Welcome from an ex-pat. I moved down to SE-OH to be nearer family from Henniker and the lakes region.
By seed or tuber in barter from a grower, or a working lead to a seed house with some.
I knew there was a reason why I moved to Ohio...
Pedersons has a pretty good guide with careful advice about the herbs it lists.
I'm probably going to second a lilac or a crab apple. Minn runs up almost to the tundra, so depending where you is, hearty is something you may need.
Today I set up a little germinating pot with soiless mix and valerian seed. The seed is a couple years old and maybe it will still grow. Even if...
Separate names with a comma.